Accounting Instructor

Job no: 493527Closes: Work Type: Faculty Full-TimeLocations: Schriever, LACategories: Academic Affairs, Accounting

College: Fletcher

Department: Academic Affairs & Initiatives

Type of Appointment: Unclassified - Faculty 9 month


Duties and Responsibilities: 

• Maintain performance standards and pursue goals, objectives, and activities that promote the mission and values of the College.

• Participate in committee activities within the department and at the campus and College levels.

• Maintain accurate attendance, progress, and evaluation records in an acceptable grade book format and file these grade books (photocopies/print outs) with the registrar at the end of each semester; adhere to all time lines established by the college, particularly with respect to the submission of grade rosters, reporting non attendance of students, referring students for counseling, withdrawing students from classes for excessive absences, and responding to records inquiries and other communications about students in a timely manner.

• Serve as academic advisor and participate in recruitment, registration, and retention activities for students in programs within the department, including referring students who are at risk of failure due to absences for advising or counseling. Faculty advisors are required to monitor students' progress in courses and provide timely feedback to aid academic success and to inform degree program coordinators regarding course offerings.

• Perform registration assignments as scheduled by one's supervisor.

• Create a learning environment in which all students are treated equitably and with respect.

• Attend and provide meaningful instruction for all class sessions during the semester. Be punctual in class attendance and provide instruction for the complete class period. Make appropriate arrangements for necessary absences according to College policies.

• Participate in professional development activities that enhance effectiveness, particularly with respect to teaching and student learning.

• Make adequate preparation for the instructional process; incorporate strategies, and a variety of evaluation methods to accommodate students with varying learning styles and to ensure that course content is presented in a professional manner, with adequate opportunity for students to engage in dialogue about course content.

• Collaborate with departmental colleagues regarding instruction and in the selection of library resources, software, and textbooks and in the development of master course syllabi.

• Develop and distribute within the first week of the semester course syllabi that are in accordance with approved master syllabi and which describe in detail the requirements of the course, attendance policy, assessment strategies, grading system, classroom policies, and other information as appropriate.

• Develop and administer periodic tests, assignments, and informal classroom assessment (formative and summative) to monitor students' performances, to monitor instructional effectiveness, and administer final examinations during the scheduled exam periods.

• Develop and update a mechanism for collecting data that aid in the assessment of program outcomes.

• Monitor the enrollment of students in classes by directing students who are not officially enrolled to the appropriate office to correct enrollment problems and by restricting attendance to students who are officially enrolled.

• Instruct students in the safe and proper use of equipment and supplies and in procedures for proper housekeeping and storage of materials.

• Maximize the use of advanced technology, including the use of computers and related strategies, in the classroom or available learning centers as appropriate.

• Provide classroom instruction in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, College harassment policies, and/or other legal requirements.

• Obey and enforce College policies that prohibit the use of food in the classroom, smoking within college buildings, drugs and firearms on campus, and the destruction and misuse of all college property.

• Participate in training sessions that familiarize the faculty member with instructional strategies, the institutional policies, databases, information systems, and software.

• Assist students with information about job opportunities in the discipline or program, with certification or licensure information, and with information about articulated programs and course work at secondary and post secondary institutions.

• Serve as a resource to students in the pursuit of employment or advanced educational opportunities, such as completing recommendations, and assist students in their pursuit of meaningful educational goals by staying informed and offering reliable, accurate information about programs and opportunities the College offers.

• Attend meetings for the purpose of fulfilling assigned duties, participating in activities, sharing ideas and information, and working toward common department and College goals.

• Be receptive to requests from colleagues, students, and administrators to serve in a voluntary capacity in such situations as coverage of a colleague's class on an emergency basis, application of expertise in tasks that serve the college, speaking engagements, college or program specific recruitment activities, serving as advisor to a student organization, developing new organizations, assisting in or supporting student activities, assisting at local conferences, or participating in fund raising activities.

• Communicate effectively with students, colleagues, and supervisors and utilize appropriate channels of communication within the College community concerning procedures and/or inquiries.

• Be adaptable to schedule/load adjustments based upon enrollment and accountable for a forty hour workweek, including instructional responsibilities, planning, meetings, etc.

• Represent the college in manner, appearance, and behavior that promote a positive image of the college within the community.

• Participate in committee work either as working members or as chairs. From time to time, faculty members will be asked to participate on administrative committees, such as search committees, ad hoc committees, etc.

• Engage in classroom research and in assessment of learning experiences of students both for immediate feedback for teachers and students and for long range improvement of courses, degree programs, and general education effectiveness.

• Complete an equipment and furniture inventory during the spring semester.


Required Education: A master’s degree in accounting or a master’s degree with a concentration in accounting (a minimum of 18 graduate semester hours), or a master’s degree with 3-years related work experience and a CPA license. The master’s degree must be from a regionally accredited college or university.


Passing pre-employment criminal background screen is required as a condition of employment.